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Ways to cleanse your homes of Negative Energy
1. Set a new intention for your home.
Form follows thought. Before you do anything else, set a specific intention for your home. What do you want your space to help you release? How do you want your home to feel? For example, you could say: "My intention is to cleanse negative energy from my home so I am focused and productive" or "My intention is to release my ex's energy and feel peaceful again." Speak your intention out loud to set the shifts in motion.
2. Try sage smudging.
People all over the world burn herbs to clear negative energy, and one of the most widely used is sage. This herb is harvested and dried—often in a bundle—then burned for its cleansing smoke. To smudge sage at home, place your dried sage in a fire-safe container and light until you see a flame. Blow it out. The orange embers will continue to burn. Fan the embers while spreading smoke thoroughly into every crevice of each room. Note: If you have asthma or are sensitive to smoke, skip this one and clear your space using plants instead (see tip No. 8).
3. Strategically place your crystals.
Crystals are gifts from the earth that carry various beneficial vibrational properties. Two stones to place around your home to clear negative energy are black tourmaline and hematite.
4. Make noise as you walk through your space.
The sound of drums, gongs, and even clapping hands can help break up negative energy. For an at-home sound ritual, start at your front door and move clockwise through the inner perimeter of your home, playing an instrument (or clapping) toward the walls, until you've made a full loop.
5. Burn incense.
Palo Santo is a type of fragrant wood that's native to South America and can be burned as incense. It is thought to be a vigorous energy cleanser; just light one end of a stick and spread the smoke as you would with smudging.
6. Bring your salt out of the kitchen.
Salt has been used for sterilizing everything from cutting boards to wounds (ouch!), and it clears negative energy too. Here are some ways you can utilize it throughout your home:
Dissolve sea salt in a spray bottle filled with water and mist the air of every room.
Place a thin line of sea salt in front of your home's entrance or around the perimeter of your property.
Include a small dish of salt on your altar.
Dissolve salt in water used to clean surfaces and floors.
Use Himalayan salt lamps.
7. Give the whole place a fresh, lemony scent.
There's a reason so many cleaning products are lemon-scented. The smell of lemon is naturally invigorating and uplifting. Here are some unexpected ways to use it at home:
Simmer lemon peels in water and let the steam scent your space.
Leave small dishes filled with fresh lemon slices around your home.
Put lemon essential oils in your diffuser.
8. Fill your space with the smell of plants.
Lemon isn't the only scent that can give your space a quick boost: Sage, lavender, and frankincense essential oils can also be great at dissolving negativity. You can either place them in your diffuser or fill a clean spray bottle with equal parts witch hazel and distilled water, add 20-30 drops of essential oil of choice, shake, and mist your living space. Or opt for fresh scents instead and place fragrant plants like peace lilies, aloe vera, or English ivy in vases around your home.
9. Harness the power of imagination.
Imagine a glowing, golden light inside your heart space. As you breathe in deeply, expand that light until it's outside of your body. Now spread that light into your living space, with the intention that all of the energetic congestion clears out.
10. Clear out your clutter.
Physical dirt and clutter can make a space feel unwelcoming. Keeping a clean, clutter-free home means negative energy won't have a place to congregate. Last but not least, open your windows! Allowing fresh air in also lets negative energy out. Make energetically cleansing your space a regular part of your routine. Within a short time, you will feel lighter, brighter, and better able to take inspired action in your life.
Smudging 101
The ancient practice of burning dried sage for cleansing has roots in Native American tradition.
Today, science is catching up to sage's potential as a healing herb. Sage belongs to the Salvia plant family and is derived from the Latin word salvere, which means "to heal." "Aside from the metaphysical uses of smudging, research is showing that sage can also be used to benefit physical, mental, and emotional well-being," says Reshma Patel, PA-C, MMS, CEO and founder of Ananda Integrative Medicine. She points to a number of studies that have shown that medicinal smokes such as sage have powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities, can improve mood and cognition, can serve as an insect repellent, and can even help with sleep quality by easing insomnia.
Traditionally, people use an abalone shell to hold the sage and then use a feather to fan and spread the smoke around the space once the sage is burning," says Colleen McCann, a shamanic energy practitioner. "If you are just getting started, you can find a sage kit online or in your local metaphysical shop." (If you're a bit sensitive to smoke or can't have smoke in a specific space like your office, there are plenty of cleansing smudge mist options available these days too.)
1. Gather your tools and have an exit strategy.
First and foremost, ensure you have all the above-mentioned tools handy and that you've opened a door or window before lighting up. After all, that negativity (not to mention smoke) needs to have a pathway to get out.
2. Set your intention and say a mantra.
Intentions are central to the practice of smudging, so take a moment before you light the sage to determine what exactly it is that you're trying to purify or release from your space. Then, decide on a mantra to repeat while saging that encapsulates this intention. It can be something you come up with on your own, or for a little guidance, Giselle Wasfie, doctor of Chinese medicine and founder of REMIX Acupuncture & Integrative Health, suggests, "I let go and release what no longer serves me."
3. Light up.
Once you're ready, hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light it using your match or candle, and let it burn for about 20 seconds. After that, gently blow out the flame so you see orange embers on one end. The smoke should now billow up.
4. Slowly walk around your space.
Slowly walk around your space and allow the smoke to waft around. Guide the smoke—and the bad energy—toward the open windows or a door, so it can escape. "Give special attention to areas in front of mirrors, in corners, and in spaces like foyers, hallways, and doorways," Wasfie recommends. "I'm also a big fan of saging technology like our phones or laptops. I usually hold the sage wand underneath them and then wave it around them."
5. Be safe!
Sage burning 101: Always stay present! If you see little embers fall on the ground, tamp them out immediately. Never let the burning sage stay unattended for any reason. Also, take care not to inhale too much of the smoke. "Although saging is a great way to clear your apartment or office of stagnant and possibly negative energy, it is best not to inhale it directly," says licensed acupuncturist and certified herbalist Irina Logman, L.Ac., MSTOM. "Lungs are a delicate organ, and any type of smoke can be drying and irritating to the mucosa."
6. Extinguish your sage.
Once you're ready to extinguish a sage smudge stick, press the burning tip firmly into your fireproof vessel, dirt, or sand until the smoke no longer rises. Pro tip: Don't get it wet! "Don't use water to extinguish the hot embers—it will ruin the tip of the stick and make it harder to light next time. When you are done using the smudge stick, you can keep it in a vessel until you are ready to use it again," says McCann.
We recommend not doing this by yourself, it is better if you can do this with another person or persons. We also recommend using anointing oil and while walking around your home touch with your finger any doorframes, window frames, occupants, mirrors and objects as needed. (Avoid using any fragrance oils or essential oils on pets). People have often asked us about the use of oil so I approached Father God on this matter and this is what I believe He spoke:- "Olive oil in the Bible represents the Holy Spirit. The oil is a symbol/token and represents my power and anointing. Wherever you place the oil is a prophetic act of inviting My presence. Using the oil signifies a belief in Me and My power to heal and to touch lives. As long as the oil is used as a token/symbol of My presence and does not replace Me that is fine. As long as one does not look to, or rely upon the oil instead of Me that is fine. It is not the symbols that carry the power it is the belief in Me on behalf of the symbols that carry the power".
Some people also smudge themselves by directing the smoke around their body and through their aura. This is thought to cleanse them of negative or stagnant energy. Auras are the occult concept that human beings and other living things emanate subtle energy fields or fields of light, surrounding us like bubbles of power.
There is nothing inherently wrong with burning incense or using herbs to beautify the fragrance of one’s home, but that is not what smudging is about. As with all New Age teachings, there is no biblical basis for belief in smudge sticks, auras, vibes, or household energy. The Bible tells us that God protects His children from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3). We have no need to smudge; in fact, smudging is sin. We do not trust in pagan rituals but in God our Savior. God is the source of life, of all that is good and true. God promises, “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:7–8). He will provide the strength and peace we need to make it through any test.
The devil cannot be made to flee with smoldering sage; our refuge is the Lord alone (see Psalm 4:8). God provides us with powerful tools to fend off the enemy’s spiritual attacks (Ephesians 6:10–17). Smudging is not one of those tools. monk Clean Home
There are over 17k temples in Japan.
Cleaning helps to train oneself.
3 steps in budhism or the path of enlightened one
root of tree virtue
trunk of tree mind
branch of tree wisdom
the roots are the most important.
how aquire virtue. Right speach, right action and right livlihood.
budhist is routinely practiced.
monks spend more time cleaning than meditation.
even the highest ranking monk cleans temple with the rest of the people
cleaning in itself is the zen or active meditation.. Even in the cooking.
benifits of soji practice
Dynamic Meditation in Motion
Losening Perfectionism (right where you sweept dirt will appear again)
Nurturing Non Verbal Communication
Feeling Connection with Holiness
Getting up Early
Feeling the seasonal change in the wild
Without having good routines you cannot reach enlightenment.
a good routine is good when it eliminates my suffering and your suffering and colective suffereing.
training should be peaceful not suffereing.
alll japaneese students are required to clean classrooms.
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nice , I needed to hear this
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Real nice podcast
Monday Feb 24, 2020
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